Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holy Toledeo We've Come So Far!

Wow... So I just realized the last time I wrote was on May 1st!!! WHOOOPS!!

Much has gone on since then! I will try to not write a novel!
Picture of Molly after a couple weeks on our new feed from Ash Brothers! Love it!

Well... Molly has been pretty consistent really! We constantly work on her softness and suppleness through her back and mouth. Working on LOTS of circles, leg yielding, and bending/countering  to help her be flexible. She is a horse that gets bored very easy and likes to think of what she should do next before you! lol. A girl after my own heart... :-) I also started jumping her more in the month of May which has been nice... did I mention she bores easily?? lol.. so, I have to make sure that I ALWAYS use wooden poles or else she knows she can knock the PVC ones down (this took all of ONE time to learn.... she is a quick learner). I believe that she is going to be a nice jumper (THANK GOODNESS! :-))... coming from my last personal horse, Jasmyne ... who was a GREAT horse... but not extremely athletic when it came to the jumping style. I believe that Molly wll be a 3ft+ horse which I am thrilled about. I also think Molly is/will be brave enough to play in some eventing... wahoo!
Where I was for almost a week in the NC Mountains.. I look forward to bringing Molly for days of Trail Riding!

So May was a busy training month for Molly.. and June was not so much. I went on a full week of vacation during which time Molly was not ridden... and came home to a lame horse... very lame. :-( However, it turned out to just be a little stone bruise, and she was as good as new 5 days later and 3 nights of Magic Cushion packing (<-- this is the bomb, I can not say enough good things about this product!) Below you can see how lame she was .. lameness started on Saturday while I was gone.. this is Monday afternoon....

So.. She was back to sound last Friday and I rode her Saturday afternoon... no.. scratch that, I decided to be LAZY after dog training on Saturday for once in my extremely busy schedule (regular 18 hour days between 3 jobs), so I rode her on Sunday.

I cannot begin to tell you how happy and elated I am, that Molly can have 2 weeks off... and she is pretty much the same as when I left her (minus some flexibility/softness issues :-) ) . She was happy to work and was willing and forward, needed a tune up on her flexing and softness, but this can be expected! I also had Alivian ride her after me and she was a CHAMP! Alivian is an old student/boyfriend's daughter who hasn't ridden in maybe 2 years?- Molly took perfect care of her and listened to her cues and responded respectfully. WHAT AN AMAZING MARE I HAVE!!
Alivian all smiles back in the saddle... and a very sweaty Molly!

Then, Molly got Monday off again (too much mowing and farm duties to do with so little sunlight! ha!)- rode her again on Tuesday in the newly dragged arena and new set course  (just a simple 3 stride line and a diagonal single). Walked, trotted, didn't really canter because I wanted to save her energy for the jumping (given that it was 5:00 in the afternoon and 95degree hot!!). Her trotting was nice, and her jumping awesome! We trotted the crossrail diagonal on a circle both left and right directions and then cantered. Perfect with the exception of some silly distances (keep in mind, I can count on two hands how many jumping sessions we've done!), then moved on to the line... she is soooo unimpressed trotting in, lol, she says.. "I've seen these jumps before...time to make it interesting for me!". She really was wonderful... we working on trotting in and taking off on the correct lead to follow out on. I almost passed out after we were done... Decided I am no longer going to ride in the afternoons if it is above 90, just stupid.
Grid that Kimi did Wednesday, and I did Today

So then, next day, taught a morning lesson on Molly with an old student of mine, walk/trot/canter/jumping level student. Kimi warmed Molly nicely for the trotting portion- teaching Kimi how to flex her both ways and work on transitions... and body position for Kimi (been a WHILE since she's had a lesson). Kimi had some issues getting Molly to pick up the correct lead and/or keep it.. so I got on, showed her (Molly Listened)... switched.. and said we will address that issue at a later date. LOL. I set a grid up with a 3 small crossrail gymnastic to a one stride canter ground pole. As to not psych Kimi out... I neglected to tell her this would be Molly's first time performing this exercise. :) hehe... Kimi let Molly lazily go over the first jump and sneak out the second... PURELY because Molly knew she could take some advantage of Kimi... I told Kimi to buck up and tell Molly who is boss and MAKE her go straight and respect her... took her a couple tries, then she got it! :-) YAH KIMI! :-) Molly went through the grid beautifully.
View form the "left lead"- Molly Cam style

Then here we are at this morning... Got on, worked our flexing in the trot, focused a bit more on the canter today to tune up from the lesson yesterday, lol... Molly was like "Duh Mom... I get it when you ask me! No problem" We had BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL trot/canter transitions! I mean beautiful... I was literally smiling from ear to ear. We moved on to the grid, Molly - was-absolutely-flawless. Perfect. Could not have asked for a better session with her! She was straight with me... calm through the corners, to the jump, through the grid, an after the grid. We worked again on jumping in on her leading foot so we could land out on the correct lead... she nailed it.
My sweet girl squinting into the rising 7:50am sun at the end of our ride. :-)

Bottom Line... my girl absolutely earned her keep this week and way surpassed my expectations of her! I have had some amazing luck in life to get wonderful horses for many different reasons. Molly I think, is the most talented, well rounded, and over all best horse I've been given. I truly look forward to what she has to offer... and I have to give to her in the future!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

And then there was work ethic and lessons!

WOW! Almost a month as gone by... where oh where does the time go?!?! So much to talk about...

Molly has been doing just fine on the farm... little hiccups here and there (ie: lunging in the open arena- remember the post about when she first was learning to respect the whip- yeah... same thing. She does not like to lunge in open space... well, actually, she doesn't mind, she just hits a point in our work that she says, "Okay mom! We are done! <insert smile on her face and positive tone from Molly" Tyler: "no Molly, we are not done yet. I know YOU think you should be done... but we are not. a little more to go." Molly: "no, Mom, really... I think that was good for today... I'm done going round in circles in the arena". Tyler: " well... I beg to differ...." <insert a lesson learned for Molly- it aint over till the fat lady says "okay! come on in!">

Keep in mind... I ONLY ever get fits from her when I lunge in open areas, she never does this undersaddle, ever.

So.. I also signed up to attend an Andy Kurtz clinic at Trinity Equestrian which was awesome! Andy is a nationally ranked reining/cutting trainer that works on suppleness and flat work even with english riders. I trailered Molly to Vinnings on friday so that she could get introduced to the Trinity Equestrian because there is a train track LITERALLY 25 feet from the barn and arena and it goes by every 30 min or so. I was told most horses dont "freak out"... and they eventually get used to it... well, Molly was juuuuussssstttttt fine. She trailered well, walked off and into her stall. Let her pee and get some water, unloaded my stuff, and got her all tacked up. She was a doll. Loped around no problem in the arena! Barely thought about the train... however she DID have to get introduced to colorful flower boxes, and painted jumps. ;-) hehe... she has never seen such interesting things before! Once she walked up to them... sniffed them... she was peachy keen.

So our Saturday ride was alot of flexing her left and right and talking about different exercises to do with her to make her give to pressure and follow the rein. Sundays lesson was AWESOME! We changed her bit from the happy mouth to a very think loose ring snaffle. When I picked up my hands... she came up to meet them. Myself, Andy, and Trina I think were all impressed that he picked up what we were teaching SO quickly!! I was extremely happy. Her canter... ahhh... was like we were on a circle, not flat, not heavy, she felt in my hands, carrying herself in a beautiful circle motion. Trot was elastic and light. :-)

Trina also ran out of horses for her beginner clinic after my ride and asked to use Molly. Sure thing... better learn now if she realllllllly can teach beginner lessons. She. Was. Perfect! She loved her girl that rode her... she was so lazy that Trina had to give the girl a crop so that she would go. lol. I was very very pleased. I was a little bummed that we got Molly going SO SO great and then she taught a lesson... but I was hopeful that she would remember our session with Andy in the coming week.

Trailered home... turned her out for a bit to kick up her heals and then tucked her in.

So.. I wasn't able to get the loose ring bit so I tried a couple others that DID NOT work. She wasn't bad... but she wasn't amazing. She likes to kind of pull me through the turns a bit and argues with the outside aids a bit when circling. Even since getting her teeth done, she is still WAY easier to the right than to the left. She is still getting stronger every ride, and more fit.

I found time last friday to check up in Tack Exchange for a new bit.. Got her one.. but think I need to get an even thinner snaffle because she still hung on this medium one a bit in our Sunday ride. She also is learning her WORK ETHIC now under saddle. She kind of hits 5 rounds around the arena cantering and then says, "Okay we are done!" or "Okay, we are done cantering mom.. I want to trot and drag you around the corners". So, we had to work through that a bit on Sunday, we both got a work out but I think it was really good for her to see that nothing is routine. Sometimes we ride short times... sometimes longer than others. Sometimes we will do less trot and more canter... and sometimes more trot less canter. Sometimes cavelettii's, sometimes not, and so one and so one. Molly really likes routine... so breaking it up for her as much as possible is important. She is a VERY smart horse, and once she learns something... she has it, (lol- good or bad! ;-).

Over all.. I am also excited about getting some coaching from another trainer in the area that I saw this past weekend auditing a Rob Gage clinic. I will keep you posted!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update: Teeth Trimmings, Clippings, Jumps, and More!

Hola Friends. So there has been MUCH going on around the farm... and more rides on Molly lately <YAH!>.
My friend took this.. LOVE IT!

So... the arena is FINISHED! :-) Got 5 loads of m10 that actually went a whole lot farther than I had expected, and I figured out how to use the tractors and the box scrape to spread the footing around: "I am woman... hear me roar!" I also picked up 5 sets of jumps and tons of poles for the arena.. next step... Jump Cups!
Rex helping me spread the footing

I also figured out how to use the bush-hog, so I cut ALL the paddocks down this past Sunday. YA! That was an all day adventure.

Molly has been getting about 3-4 rides a weeks which has done wonderful for her physic! I have found that really in this past week, her muscles have gone "POP"!! Here I am! She has felt so much stronger underneath me and has a consistent trot pace now that I dont have to keep working to move her forward. She also got her teeth done last Wednesday... and PHEW! Where they BAAAADD!! Kirk opened her mouth and looks at me white eyed and says, "Whoah! These are some of the worst I've seen!". He shaved about 1/8-1/4 off her teeth.. poor girl. She felt SO SO SO much better to ride. lol... the day after I rode her she felt so much more supple and soft to the left-- however, she kind of had sea-legs since she didn't know how to work with her teeth in good shape! lol.. I kinda had to laugh because she felt like a 4 year old under me. The next day she was back to normal. :-) She was still being inconsistent with her leads when I was asking for them, so last week I put her on the lunge line again- this really helps her feel the difference between a correct lead/direction and the wrong one. She was much better the next day.. and yesterday, WOW.. she was great.. she got almost every lead that I asked for with beautiful transitions. We also introduced tiny caveletti jumps this week. Surprise?- surprised that she doesnt care about them? She kinda knocks them down? lol... So, I cannot use the pvc poles as she is learning b/c she is smart and already figured that she could just kick those out of the way. She is a thinker though- figuring out where she needs to put her feet to make the most comfortable situation. I like that.
Thats right.. she can move a bit!

"Seriously mom? A Picture of THIS?!"

I also clipped her yesterday... ahhhhhhhhh..... so nice to be able to ride and not HAVE to hose her off. The shave also shows off her beautiful muscles and I am very happy with the way her fitness is headed and her weight. She is almost where I want her to be... maybe about 25-50 more lbs. would be perfect. She just stood there patiently while I clipped her whole body.... EXCEPT about 6inches from her ears. She is NOT a fan of the clippers anywhere near the TOP of her head. I can clip the underside, nose, and cheeks just fine... but not her neck just behind her ears, ears, or top of face. Okay. I'll take that-- and just curry out the rest.

We also had 2 new additions to the farm a week ago Sunday: Elli and Reo. They are my friends miniature horses: Reo they have had for 3-4 years and he is 7, Elli they bought the day they brought her to the farm and she is 4. lol.. Elli is CRA-CRA! :-) But she is super super super cute! I have a feeling she will be going through Auntie Tyler bootcamp in these next few weeks. Reo... has been a little, um, I have to be delicate here... not paid much attention to this last year and lost several pounds. He is on his way to gaining some much needed fat and muscles to his little legs. He is just the sweetest little guy that is up for anything and never does anything wrong. :-)

Sweet Reo-- new picture soon to come.

The four guys all go out together and love frolicking around. The "Rat Pack" is Rex, Molly, Ellie... and their outcast but secret buddy is Reo. They have all fallen into a good routine and are truly relaxed and I believe happy. :-) This makes me happy and relaxed.
Rex and Ellie were Immediate friends!
So my little farm is coming together now! As is Molly... I also am starting to feel that bond growing with her. I did night check when I got home the other night late... she was laying down and Rex and Ellie were watching of her. She let me hug her and rub her face all over. :-) I am blessed
From one of our early morning rides waiting for the sun to come up.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arena + Molly + Tyler = GREAT RIDES!

Check it out! 85% Finished!!
So this last week has been wonderful week with Molly!!!! Her and Rex are understanding their routine here on the farm and have quit screaming for each other when they cant see each other. I did have to modify a few things... like moving them into separate sides of the barn (ie: when Molly was in the stall next to Rex... I couldn't even pick the stall without her trying to squeeze between me and the window to see Rex)... and I moved her hay net to her window in her new stall so she can eat her hay and see Rex at the same time (otherwise... she wont eat the hay because she cant see Rex)... I know, they are a little dysfunctional... lol.. but this works. She's eating ALL her hay now which is GREAT! The system works.

Also, even before the arena was installed, she was getting better and better undersaddle and understanding her job. It was difficult though trying to teach her the canter leads in the field: when I asked for the left lead-- she gave me the right, and visa versa. I could feel her getting stronger though in her hind in, and balancing was getting better. Much less tripping, and more holding HERSELF together. What a wonderful feeling.

As my arena was being grading on Sunday... I lunged her in the round pen with the cavesson... I love using this!! She did wonderful and this really helped give her some direction for the leads. On Monday, even though the arena wasn't finished, I couldnt wait any longer and I rode in the 85% finished arena!!! AWHHH!!! A FLAT PLACE TO RIDE!!! :-) :-) Major SMILES on my face for sure! Molly REALLY liked having the arena as well... she was back to her slower self, and no fussing when she had to go down hill. I'm a happy momma now! She also got each lead that I asked for in the arena! :-) yah! Also, the way the arena is graded, it leads to having banks that I can jump over and down! This was fun, and Molly enjoyed this I think also. :-)

THIS morning, Wednesday, Molly was amazing! She did beautiful transitions, keeps a lovely paced trot now that she is MUCH fitter- this is SO comfortable! I can really feel her push off her hind end now. Changes of direction were perfect, our trot-canter transitions were flawless. Our short (20 min) albeit, PRODUCTIVE ride was awesome this morning... and was a great start to my day (especially after I dropped my large mug of coffee that spilled everywhere in the barn 10 secs after I got down to the barn. lol).

So.. I need to have some help taking pictures of Molly... and need some of me on her. I think she's really filling out and starting to look very pretty! :-) ahh... oh the life of my OH so quiet Chestnut Thoroughbred Mare! :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's Time to Learn Some Work Ethic...

Molly & Rex at Night Check Snack Time
Aloha folks! So... this has been QUITE the week with the Moll-ster. ;-) I'm a little frustrated that I do not have my arena installed yet... but I have a promised day of the 24th!!! yeah! So.. riding has been limited-- also do to time constraints as well.

So... You heard about our first ride in the field... which was nice. And then... I tried to get a quick ride in last Thursday before I had to be at the restaurant for work. I had a bad feeling when I put the two noggins up... got Molly ready in the stall, and as I walked her our- REX WAS SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF AT MOLLY. Granted.. we had only walked 15 feed away to where I could get on. Oh Boy. So I walk up around the property, Rex still screaming, Molly a little agitated... I have to get off and close the big door to Rex's stall because his monster butt was about to break my stall gate. okay.. that done. Back on... Molly did NOT want to move forward away from the barn. oh boy. She starts figgiting... and she doesn't want to move forward. She either wants to stop... turn around.. or back up. She starts acting like she might rear (b/c she doesn't know where to go), she gets about 4 inches off and I said screw this!!! You are NOT going to learn this bad habit-- granted, it was not malicious intent... she just did NOT know what to do. Her default is back up... I said go forward, well... you know what that equation can equal. So.. I walk up to the barn.. get the lunge line and whip so I can work her in our makeshift round pin... again.. not wanting to move forward, at. all. All she does is either stare and pivot around me as I move to her side... or she violently backs up. Okay.. lead line chain now has to go over her nose... not really like where I am having to go with this, but nice was not getting me any where. She was SO distraught about being separated... there were NO reasoning skills. So... we had a little, eh, discussion about backing up- she ended up being back up alot on my terms, then she would move forward then spin and stare at me again. And then the waiting and pressure game begins. I sit on the lunge line... her nose hurts.. and FINALLY she moves forward. After all that... she goes, "OKAY-- I'll MOVE FORWARD! Got IT!!" Change directions.. a little and short issue... then she complies again and moves wantingly forward. Phew. I was pissed that I could not get on her at this point.. but I HAD to go to work. I hosed her off and put her back out in the pasture.
Doesn't she look thrilled? Not fun for either of us...
So.. the above picture was taken after we were done battling a bit. Then I had early morning work, and afternoon restaurant work so she didn't get worked again on Friday (:-( major upset about that)... OH YES! And after that incident... Molly and Rex got to be turned out in separate paddocks to help ease them away from being SO obsessed with each other. Didn't get to ride Sat either (dog training then camera workshop)... Sunday no ride due to finishing painting the house and then work... So.. Monday I finally got to work with her again. This time.. there was some grooming/bonding time before which I think helped not being so rushed, Rex was left out in the pasture... and I decide to lunge her first. She had a little freak out moment at first.... even decided she wanted to flip over backwards (thankfully neither she nor my saddle was hurt)... she didn't like that so much... I walked up to her... walked her back down to the arena... and we got to work. A little lunge whip desensitizing, leg yielding... then she moved out and walked, trotted, and cantered wonderfully both ways. Then I got on her... she was a little wiggly at first... then settled in to accept the work. Rex was a little worried at first and then settled a bit towards the end. She tried to resit the draw reins a little bit... but worked through that too.

Lots of love afterwards, a nice cool off... and a good rub down afterwards. She got Tuesday Off b/c I had a massage and then went to see my grandma in the hospital. Today (Wednesday)- I wanted to work her.. even if it was for 10 minutes since I have dog training today... so after all stalls were done, I threw the lunging head caveson on and got the Parrelli stick.. worked some leg yielding, ground work... then sent her out for a small lunge- trot session... changing directions with body language, etc... she was a CHAMP! And Rex was a good boy in his stall!! (yay-- they are both catching on that they are not going to DIE if the other is not in the stall with them). A quick 15 minute.. positive session was needed and I think will benefit us both! :-) lots of love and treats for her... turned them both out in their own paddocks, and both settled almost immediately. (Thank goodness! No more running around and neighing)
Enjoying her grass after our early morning work this morning
So... for more reasons than I can mention... I cannot WAIT to get my arena in. I think this will help Molly be focused and give a purpose to the work.. not just riding out in a field that she gets turned out in every day. I'm counting the minutes until it is installed! I know this was not the most fun post... and some might disagree with some methods used... but, I just take each situation as it is given to me and deal with it the best way I know how at that moment for that horse. I know it didn't help that she had almost 2 weeks with only 1 ride-- "oh, I'm just a lawn ornament again??" <-- I'm sure was her thought. Her life has drastically changed in the last 2 months... and I think in 2 more... she will feel for the better. ;-)
I haven't been able to spend as much time with Molly the last few weeks as I would have liked.. but with the house finishing up inside (getting painting and flooring finished)... I will have SO much for time and emotional space for her. :-) To be continued.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tyler... are you my mom??

So, life has been quite a bit crazy lately and taken a HUGE turn. Firstly and most importantly.. I DECIDED TO KEEP MOLLY!!!! Each day that I rode her I fell more and more in love with her. How did I come to this decision? I got the opportunity to lease a farm just over the Cherokee Co. line just outside of Roswell, a 5.5 acre farm with a 5 stall barn... the day I signed the lease was the day I decided to keep Molly. I mean, really... what better lesson horse could I ask for?? Lessons you may ask.. why yes... I believe I am getting back into the horse business. I have missed teaching lessons for quite some time now, and am excited to dive back in.
Very sweaty after a ride, not the most beautiful ever, but her mane is pulled and lays on the correct side!

Getting SOME muscle.. but is tighting up a bit!

Now.. back to Molly... since my last post.. I rode a few more times and then my life turned upside down. Molly's canter improved as did her gates and transitions. Each and every day I could feel a stronger, fitter horse beneath me. She could maintain an actual PACE at the trot, and she really enjoys cantering. I had my mother ride her and also an old student ride her which they both thoroughly enjoyed their ride. I hadn't even SEEN Molly for over a week and I put her back on a trailer and moved her to our new home last Saturday, March 3rd. Again, with the help of a lunge line behind her butt... she walked onto the trailer with no fit. HA!-- and proved me wrong and ate a peppermint front Auntie Jackie! We also loaded up her pasture mate, Rex to come and live with us also. They have been troopers!
View of the big pasture from my bedroom, bed

Day 1 on new farm: we unloaded them and let them into the front paddock... and they went.. "AHH!!! GRASS AND CLOOOOOOVVVVVEREERRR!!!!!" lol... they enjoyed their time while I went to feed store and brought them in for dinner.
Rex begging for more treats at nightcheck- Molly is hiding from his teeth

Day 2: let them out into the big pasture and Rex proceeds to run around the entire pasture checking out all the corners as Molly follows behind him! After about one lap... she was ready to start eating... and hesitated and then following as Rex would randomly take off. :-) lol.. it was very funny.. she was like "Really Rex? We have to keep running? Dont you SEE the green stuff all around to EAT!" I was cracking up. They will get their workouts in as their pasture is a big hill.

Day 3: Jackie met me out at the farm to ride in the fields for some hill work! Rex had pulled 2 shoes, so she walked/trotted hills as Molly and I walked, trotted, cantered around the whole pasture! I wish you could all see what was going on at this time... the neighbors dogs were barking, my dog is running around, the landlords are cutting wood for repairs on the deck next to the pasture, moving stuff, etc. They were both so great! Molly learned how to control speed going downhill, and even did a left-right  lead change! lol.. not on purpose but I took it! :-) Took her a minute to give into the drawreins on the hills.. but she was great-- and VERY sweaty... she hadn't been ridden in a week- which I was quite upset about b/c she had lost some of the beautiful muscle I had put on over the past month! grrr....

The other grrrr to this story is my ARENA IS NOT INSTALLED YET!! grrrrrrrrrr. I HOPE we can get it in this weekend! This makes training very hard... and also hard to bring in boarders with no arena. Come on Bobcat part... get here!

Day 4: Molly just got a really good late night groom.. she is MAJORLY shedding out right now and looks ridiculous. As I was currying her last night and chatting with my brother-- I stopped for a second, and she literally side-stepped closer to me as if to say, "Excuse me.. that felt good.. keep doing it!" she is super ichy right now with the shedding... trying to get a good curry in every day to help. Cant wait till she is shedded out, I think she will be SO beautiful with short hair! :-)

Alrighty folks! Thats it for now... new pictures to come soon!

Monday, February 13, 2012

And then there was cantering...

Since my last post, Molly has been amazing. The day after our "discussion" about lunging, I decided to just make some home-made draw reins out of my left over tracking lines for the dogs. Worked just fine! I'm liking these home-made remedies. So, cleaned my girl up and tacked up and headed for the arena. Surprise Surprise... she could care less about the draw reins. She was figuring out the association to bring her head down, and moving forward.

Ha! Moving forward... this is quite the task for Molly. lol. Also quite a task since she's not all that impressed by the crop either. However, she's was figuring it out, and moving through the ground poles nicely! Lots and lots of ground poles to help engage her hind end and stretch that long neck of hers! I am getting as much of a work out as she is keeping her moving, because if Molly had it her way, there is no walking... only standing still in one place and not moving. hehe. :-) Draw Reins = success. I think I will not have to use them very long!

So, Then, it was 20 degrees on Saturday with 30 mph winds... yeah, NOT FUN. But, I wanted/needed to get my ride in! If I plan on submitting to the Hunter Pace on March 10th... both Molly and I need to get in shape! Again... I am "blown away" (<---ha.. you like that pun right? ;-)) by how wonderful Molly was in the FREEZING cold and crazy wind. Still her lazy self with just a bit more pep to her step from Friday's lessons. Still more ground poles, lots of circles, and introduced serpentines. A big wing jump standard even was blown down as we approached it (leaning on the fence from when it was broken earlier).. she veered away from it but didn't lose herself. I walked up to it, she sniffed it and walked on with no issues.  We could then trot by it with just a hair of a head tilt. Also... just to add everything else that is so amazing about Molly... as we were cooling off, the boys, her boys, were GALLOPING around in the paddock 15 feet from us, another: Check!! Not even a little pep in her step.

So Sunday's right was still cold, but almost no wind. Tracking to the right, Molly was so so so soft and supple, I barely even had to touch the reins, however, tracking to the left she is much harder and locked in her jaw. I think she could really benefit from an adjustment, and also getting her teeth floated would probably help alot too, who knows the last time she had that done. So, anyways, as we were moving even more forward than the day before (yah! Good Girl!) ... we traveled cross the diagonal and across two large pvc poles... she decided over the last one to pick up the left lead... so I urged her to keep going! :-) lol.. my mom says.. "Did you mean to do that?".. NOPE! But I'm going to take advantage of it! It was VERY VERY comfortable = YES! another check and another bonus! She was so fantastic, actually felt like a moving horse underneath me.. moving forward and side to side when asked.

Our next ride is on Wednesday... I can. Not. Wait! :-)